561 Murphy Rd. Sarnia, ON

we care
Protecting you and our staff

We use the same technology as used by Tufts University School of Dental Medicine and Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry Dental Clinic. Our team takes pride in knowing that we are protecting you and our staff.


Surgically Clean Air purifies and provides our office with high quality clean air. Our purifiers remove 99% of all in-air contaminants and “bio-aerosols” including “airborne” viruses, bacteria, germs, chemicals and allergens such as perfumes.

This provides you and our staff with a happy and healthy environment.


Sterilization is the process that eliminates all forms of life including viruses and bacteria on objects or in fluids. The goal of sterilization in our office is to break the chain of potential cross infection between individuals.

We are very proud of our sterilization practices utilizing the latest in technologies and protocols. Sound sterilization enables us to provide a safe workplace that protects you and our dental team.


Water purification is carried out using our own in-house filtration system. We are able to produce the highest quality pure water which reduces contaminants and biofilms in water and equipment for YOUR safety.

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