561 Murphy Rd. Sarnia, ON

Our community

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
– Winston Churchill

The dental office of Dr. Ferrera and Moscone is committed and dedicated to community service. The Doctors, together with staff, give time and money to numerous community organizations and functions dedicated to the sick, poor, marginalized and under privileged. We contribute often, wholeheartedly and without a lot of fanfare or advertisement. We believe it’s not about us, but all about the cause.

One of our proudest moments was in 2014 when one of our patients; Jen Dafoe, was inspired by our office and our Family Dentistry experience to write the book: “Chico’s First Trip to the Dentist”. Chico, a lovable puppy, goes to the dentist for the first time. We were honoured to play a part in her journey from inspiration, research to final publishing.

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